An Oregon Medicaid Agency Supporting Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Specific Supports ARISE Mentors Provides

For Adults & Children

By M. Drew Stinson

Adults In-home supports

​We offer services to individuals who live in their own home or with family or friends.

  • ​Services offered have specific eligibility standards and are accessed through the local Community Developmental Disabilities Program (CDDP) or Support Services Brokerage​.
    An Individual Support Plan is established with each adult to identify supports provided based upon their health and safety needs, interests, choices and goals. Each plan uses a person-centered planning process.
  • It’s also important to understand and learn about supported decision-making as a part of this process and how it allows a person with a disability to make choices about their life.
  • ​Supports are provided through a CDDPor Support Services Brokerage to eligible adults living in their own or their ​family’s home to help them remain in their home and be engaged in the community.
  • A person is assisted to create an Ind​ividual Support Plan​to arrange for needed supports for things like personal care, shopping, meal preparation and more.


Children In-home supports

We offer supports to children and families ranging from in-home family support.

  • Services offered have specific eligibility standards and are usually accessed through the local Community Developmental Disabilities Programs (CDDPs)​​.
  • An Individual Support Plan is established with each child and their family to identify supports provided based on their health and safety needs, interests, choices and goals. Each plan uses a person-centered planning process.​​
  • For youth transitioning to adult services, it’s also important to understand and learn more about supported decision-making and how it allows a person with a disability to make choices about their life.

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