An Oregon Medicaid Agency Supporting Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Section 11

Physical Facilities

Where the company leases or owns facilities, some facilities or sections are for administrative work only and some are for programs and activities. Each facility or section of a facility will be clearly marked. Employees should not bring customers into sections designated for administrative work only.

For facilities intended for programs and activities, the following policies will be implemented:

  • There will be “You Are Here” and “Emergency Exit” maps posted in all sections.
  • When new customers come to the facility, each will be trained to understand where they are in the layout of the building and how to reach the designated emergency exit for that area.
  • One employee will be designated as an activity leader and be responsible for:
    • Seeing that each customer and employee knows where emergency exits are and are trained to follow directions to exit in a safe and efficient manner.
    • Be responsible for taking charge in an emergency.
    • When more than one employee is present, appointing an assistant to take charge in case the designated employee is incapacitated.
  • Any use of emergency exits will be documented and saved in a log, which will be reviewed every 3 months with recommendations for improvements or changes.
  • For the comfort and privacy of customers and neighbors, all activities will be conducted using “inside voices” and everyone must agree for music to be played and must be kept at a reasonable level.
  • Every 5 years a health and safety inspection will be performed
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