An Oregon Medicaid Agency Supporting Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Section 4

Records Policies

  • Records of service to individuals will be kept confidential in accordance with applicable requirements of ORS 179.505, 45 CFR 205.50, 45 CFR 164.512 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 42 CFR Part 2 HIPAA, and any Department rules or policies pertaining to individual service records.
  • The Company will make available to the Department all records regardless of authorization by the Customer or Customer Representative.
  • The Company shall maintain up-to-date accounting records consistent with generally accepted accounting principles that accurately reflect all revenue by source, all expenses by object of expense, and all assets, liabilities, and equities.
  • The Company shall establish and revise, as needed, a fee schedule identifying the cost of each service provided. Billings for Medicaid funds may not exceed the customary charges to private individuals for any like item or services charged by the brokerage or provider organization (see Addendum G).
  • The Company shall retain financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records (except individual records) for a minimum of three years after the close of the contract period.
  • The Company shall retain individual records for a minimum of seven years.
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